• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Princess Luna has finally returned, but she's finding that it took a bit longer than she first thought.

Written with AuroraDawn (love ya babe!) for Quills and Sofas Speedwriting's Duos Contest where we tied for second.

Chapters (1)

Gilda has a run-in with a certain somepony on her way to meet an old friend, and things escalate from there.

Cover art source here

Speedwrite for the 4th Quills and Sofas Expanded Universe Contest! Expansion of Disaster Lesbians, by Atom Smash, give it a read first!

Chapters (1)

Everypony is gathering in Canterlot for Princess Celestia's funeral to say one final goodbye.

Everypony except Applejack.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, the mean Queen B of Canterlot High School gets her life changed by a young genius scientist. A month and a half before the Fall Formal.
She learns new things about herself and gains a new lenses to life. A new lenses that just might be too much to handle for the human unicorn as she begins to understand the error of her ways.

Chapters (24)

Shortly before Anonymous is set to operate his food tent during the Summer Sun Celebration, Twilight comes to him with an urgent request to temporarily assist in reforming the former Queen of the Changelings. He initially refuses, but eventually begrudgingly gives in, choosing to trust Twilight's judgement in spite of his ill feelings toward Chrysalis, who isn't fond of him either. Can friendship and kindness bloom where none is permitted?

set in a wacko universe where Chrysalis tried to invade again after the Season 6 finale
tags and rating are susceptible to change as the story develops

Chapters (3)

Lucky Coin has always been an avid worker. When he’s told to jump, he says “how high?” When told to fill out form A38, he asks “how fast?” And when told to apply heavy sanctions on a struggling widow who forgot to declare a purchase she’s made half a decade ago, Lucky ensures that it’ll be his absolute pleasure.

It’s with this kind of go-getter attitude that Lucky secured himself the prestigious and heavily sought-over position as the new liaison between the Equestrian Revenue Bureau and the municipality of Ponyville. The catch? After rifling through the new files he inherited, much to his shock, he winds up uncovering the fraudulent background of an Element Bearer.

What can be done when criminal activities originate from a pony with diplomatic immunity? Can the Bureau find a loophole to hoofcuff the perpetrator? And if so, will Equestria stay safe with one of their protectors wasting away behind bars? Is this bureaucratic maelstrom and its many political ramifications even worth the hassle?

For Lucky Coin, the answer couldn’t be clearer: The law supersedes everything. It’s up to him to set this mess straight.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy hoped to spend a lovely, eventful evening with Discord. A cruise and a chance to come across animals of her wildest dreams? It sounded wonderful.

Too bad Angel had other plans...

Co-writer: Nailah

Editor: Dreams of Ponies

Cover art provided by: The Sleepless Beholder

Breezie gift for: QueenChrysalisForever for Jinglemas 2023

Chapters (1)

When Babs Seed goes missing in the heart of Manehattan, Applejack and Apple Bloom waste no time in looking for her. But as they delve deeper into the city's shadows, the sisters find they may have bitten off more than they can chew.

Written for The Writeoff Association's event: "Something Ain't Right".

Chapters (2)

Twilight receives an offer to research one of the longest-standing magical mysteries of the world—an abyss defying all magic. It's a huge responsibility, but Twilight is confident that she'll be able to understand the strange anomaly that had everypony before her shamefully concede and return with empty hooves.

How she'd wish to have been wrong.

Proofread by Equimorto.

Chapters (1)

There are some things Celestia must never forget.

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III. Cover art by Vinylshadow.

Chapters (1)